Sunday, January 25, 2009

Budget Positioning

I would ask my riding associates to please take the time to view the motions being debated next month and tell me what stands out as most important for you. Is there anything you feel vehemently about? What ideas speak loudest to you? Go to click on convention, click on resolutions, read, get back to me. You can comment (anonomously if you choose) on this or any post.This whole exercise will be for naught if Tues.'s budget doesn't pass. The convention would have to be postponed, again, though I'm banking on this not happening twice. The train ticket is non-refundable.....

It will be interesting to see how Michael Ignatieff will stick handle the day and come out not looking weak like an abstaining Liberal while still letting the day pass. Having stepped into the leadership even while awaiting formal endorsement in June, Ignatieff carries with him considerable baggage from his past support for the Iraq war and his acceptance of American exceptionalism. By exceptionalism I refer to that doctrine whereby America does not recognize international law and acts unilaterally. At the same time the conservatives are not going to deliver a budget that he can call his. They are already spending considerable effort and money to promote their pitch through radio ads and early leaking of various parts of Tues's paper.

This is the time for us to prepare for the next election with a steady thoughtful hand. I look forward to the end of Feb. not looking for big changes in direction and policy but simple elaboration and continued clarification of the themes the Green Party of Canada has embraced. There are basic tenants that we firmly stand on as we present our picture for a future Canada.

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