Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cruising the Rails

Monika Schaefer was the candidate in Yellowknife, she lives in Jasper Alberta . I’m not sure what the cost of a train ticket would be from there to Nova Scotia but being resourceful Monika came up with a solution many wouldn’t have thought possible. She is a violinist and somehow sold the management of Via Rail on the idea of letting her travel for free in exchange for providing music daily in the lounge car. For two hours a day passengers are treated the sounds of her blend of classical and fiddle music in a win win that speaks well of her and Via Rail.

Speaking with Karl Dias Manager, Customer Experience Eastern Services I learned that Via is becoming quite adventurous with innovative ways to enhance rail travel. The Exchange of Services Agreement program has resulted in a variety of pleasant surprises of rail service. There have been wine producers offering wine and cheese tastings, an oyster entrepreneur shucking his product, musicians and other forms of entertainment. People have even held their wedding on the train.

Monika has given out a variety of spoons and clackers to the other passengers and while she’s playing a reel two have locked arms and are dancing in the aisle. Outside the window New Brunswick is passing by, there is a view of the highway here and there barely visible through the ice storm. This is a very civilized way to travel.

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